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#10685 (+108204/-499)
<barometz> Bananas!
<Bucket> Okay, barometz.
<barometz> Bananas!
<barometz> Bananas!
<Bucket> Okay, barometz, forgot that as you might have gathered is not extremely smart

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#4026 (+5483/-579)
< marc> Bananas!
< marc> Bananas!
< marc> Bananas!
< marc> we were talking loud enough so the whole class would hear, but they weren't being very loud anyway, now this guy is an asshole he started the whole high pitched mocking voice and said "well if you're leaving then I guess I'll go too, it's not like I have to teach a class or anything, or you have to be here for it"
< marc> Bananas!
< marc> whole class goes silent he's just standing there mouth open keys still in his outstretch hand, I walk up take them from his hand said "that's what I thought" and walked out

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#406 (+1997/-433)
< Coldcell_> actually, my neck clicks _really_ badly sometimes, but it doesn't hurt or anything
< Coldcell_> and in martial arts class one day some guy headlocks me
< Coldcell_> and it does this massive POP
< Coldcell_> so I go limp
< deadfool> nice
< Coldcell_> and the guy is almost crying

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#354 (+1781/-443)
Glench: as the temperature of lesbians approaches absolute zero, they cease to exist
Glench: Bananas!
Glench: Bananas!
Glench: Bananas!
Glench: ~1.4 million results
Glench: Bananas!
Glench: Bananas!
Glench: Bananas!
Kasu: Bananas!
Glench: 321 results
Glench: for cold lesbians
lapilofu: did you try warm?
Glench: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22absolute+zero+lesbians%22
Glench: 0 results
Glench: Bananas!
TwoDaemon: Bananas!

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#882 (+2383/-636)
KBC: Bananas!
KBC: Bananas!
KBC: And then they go home. But this story isn't about my brother-in-law, or his mother, or even my nephew, really. It's about the baby shower, when I went out to buy their gift- Hungry Hungry Hippos.
KBC: I go to Walmart, because it's the only thing open at the time I went out. I go to the toy section, look at the Lego, crappy excuse for action figures, then grab the game. After that, I start heading for the cash registers.
KBC: On the way towards the cashes, I pass the pharmacy and realize, 'Hey, I need condoms.' Because, well, condoms expire after four years. So, I grab a box of condoms, Tiny Trojans (they invaded in a pony, not a horse) and head to the cashes with my HHH in tow.
KBC: While waiting at the cash, I see their impulse buys. Impulse buy at this cash was gummy bears. This reminded me about a story I heard that eating too many gummy bears can turn your pee black. So I picked up some. For science. (Post-script: It didn't)
KBC: Bananas!
KBC: Bananas!
KBC: Bananas!
KBC: I thank her for her service, and start to leave the store. Before I leave, I look back, and I see her, on the phone, looks like she's yelling, using her hand beside her to try and judge height next to her, probably giving my description to someone. And that's why I'm not allowed at the east end Wal-mart again. END.

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#543 (+1575/-428)
Tawnos: Bananas!
xkcd: Bananas!

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#681 (+1444/-446)
<Shrdlu> I was reading my physics prof's text and came upon this sentence:
<Shrdlu> 'In previous examples we have found it convenient to assume reality; henceforth we will no longer thus constrain ourselves.'
<Shrdlu> Bananas!
<Shrdlu> For a brief instant I thought it could be the best physics class I'd ever taken.

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#4310 (+1205/-407)
<Sydney> pseudonym: I once wrote an essay on "The Use of Rhetoric to Obscure a Lack of Meaningful Content".
<pseudonym> Sydney: you're my new hero
<Sydney> I used total bull to get away with using total bull on the topic of using total bull.
<Sydney> I received full marks and a request not to do it again.

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#5088 (+1516/-548)
< Jax184> I finally got the windows embedded platform builder installed
< Jax184> Bananas!
< moshez> jax184: my condolences
< moshez> Bananas!
< moshez> that sounds unfun
<@khmer> Bananas!
< moshez> khmer: it's worked for me so far...
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> here's my impression of you
<@khmer> SCENE: Mission Control. Apollo 13 is spinning out of control.
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> <Mission Commander> All right, Captain, we'll put together a team.
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> <Mission Commander> All right, anyone else? We have to make sure it doesn't take sharp movements, because a good kick could tear right through the aluminum wall.
<@khmer> <moshez> Well, you shouldn't have used aluminum.
<@khmer> <Mission Commander> All right, you know what, dickhole? That's not problem solving. They're in the LEM, the walls are aluminum, and they're in fucking space, so we need to solve this problem!
<@khmer> <moshez> Well, they shouldn't have gone into space. I never need to.
<@khmer> <Mission Commander> What? This isn't about you. This is their situation and their problem and we need to build this air filter!
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> Bananas!
< moshez> khmer: ok
< moshez> Bananas!
< moshez> Bananas!
< Beelzebub> moshez: you should.

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#371 (+1348/-497)
khmer: so, i have a bit of a story to tell about last night's party
barnaby: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: i get there and know nobody; andrew knows the birthday girl, that's about it
khmer: the hosts are a pair of mid-20s IT workers from japan, and 80% of the guest list is japanese exchange students, around my age
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
creature: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: but we're out on the balcony smoking and then being openly asked about the size of our dicks
prozac: bwahahahaahahahaha
khmer: Bananas!
zylche: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: 'what?'
khmer: 'parliamentary!'
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: 'but it's very hard, you know, visa, and green card'
khmer: 'oh you mean permanently! ah, i see'
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
Coldcell: send her over.
khmer: Bananas!
Coldcell: Bananas!
prozac: khmer, there was a huge cutural misunderstanding
prozac: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
Coldcell: Bananas!
khmer: so, yes, considering among other things the cultural gaps you two are pointing out, we made sure not to flirt with anyone heavily
Coldcell: 'oh, I totally play HH in the nude, don't you know Americans?'
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: we recited the who's on first routine
Ephphatha: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: beer bottle, that is
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: you know, absence of verbal humor, we're like...
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: so i get a quarter out of my pocket and i grab miyuki, who is heartbreakingly gorgeous
prozac: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: she understands
khmer: so, i press it to her forehead, and, you guys know the trick, right? i remove it as i pull my hand away
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: she yells something at him in japanese, glares
khmer: he's like...uh...are you...are you sure?
khmer: it's gonna hurt real bad
khmer: she nods frantically
Ephphatha: you're mean
khmer: Ephphatha i was BEGGING her to feel her forehead with her hand
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: she wouldn't LISTEN
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: so she demands that this dude hit her
khmer: and he does
khmer: so hard she FALLS OVER
Ephphatha: hahaha
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: she heard no quarter drop
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: her eyes widen, and then
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: she's screaming and hitting me with closed fists, REALLY HARD
Ephphatha: Bananas!
khmer: so, i notice after a few seconds of this
khmer: the blows are falling softer and less often
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: the room begins to chuckle, the trance recedes
khmer: then she stops DEAD SILENT
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
shoofle: Bananas!
khmer: and then she turns to me and says 'you like jazz?'
creature: Congratulations! You pulled a crazy girl.
khmer: Bananas!
prozac: Bananas!
Ephphatha: ok, if I EVER go to a party with you, you're not allowed to have any coins
prozac: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
prozac: Bananas!
Coldcell: Bananas!

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#271 (+1077/-394)
< vrek> Bananas!
< yy2bggggs> vrek: A gun would work better

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#5866 (+1061/-388)
< Spork> Bananas!

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#2269 (+888/-319)
<Royall> Bananas!
<theonetruemango> Bananas!

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#630 (+890/-320)
< Corbomite> Bananas!
< Corbomite> countless*
< Vir4030> no, cuntless is accurate too

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#602 (+1089/-401)
<xkcd> Bucket: nslookup xkcd.com
<xkcd> Bananas!
<Bucket> Bananas!
<Ephphatha> Bananas!
<nobody> Bananas!
<xkcd> Bananas!
<Ephphatha> Bananas!

< Phlip> I like how most people recognise that it's always the same numbers before they realise there's a '276' in there...

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#4240 (+948/-349)
<Debaser> Bananas!
<Debaser> Bananas!
<Debaser> If someone comes up to you while you are eating egg at a mcdonalds
<Debaser> Bananas!
<Debaser> Do NOT go
<Debaser> Bananas!
<Debaser> Bananas!
<Debaser> Thats ANOTHER damn mcdonalds I can't go into

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#179 (+1169/-441)
< agilman> Bananas!
< agilman> Bananas!
-!- geekable [geekable@hide-9D752E43.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #xkcd
<%relsqui> Bananas!
< geekable> geekable does what?
<%relsqui> oh nothing.
< geekable> geekable doesn't do anal, let me tell you right now
<%relsqui> Bananas!
< agilman> wow
< agilman> Bananas!

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#2218 (+915/-341)
<quine> Bananas!
<industrialbs> ummm quick question
<industrialbs> can I eat the quinebagel
<industrialbs> Bananas!
<embrodak> don't tongue the quinebagel's hole
<quine> no, please do
<embrodak> Bananas!
<embrodak> Bananas!
<embrodak> Bananas!
<embrodak> FUCK
* quine high-freuds embrodak

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#4392 (+895/-335)
<PseudoNym00> Bananas!
<PseudoNym00> Bananas!
<PseudoNym00> and have engineered my own demise

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#2279 (+785/-292)
< phobiac> What are people of the future going to think when they look at the remains of our cities and can't apply weird astrological significance to way they were built?
< phobiac> We need to start aligning all buildings with some random star of little significance. Or something.
< phobiac> Bananas!

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#206 (+1073/-412)
< fortitUs> Bananas!
<%relsqui> fortitUs: it's what I would use, lacking a cock, if I wanted to screw someone with one
< fortitUs> Bananas!
-!- fortitUs [lordogame@hide-1F17685D.singnet.com.sg] has quit [Quit: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh]
<%relsqui> Bananas!

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#435 (+967/-379)
< uberushaximus> Bananas!

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#6209 (+852/-331)
<&Phificks> Bananas!
<%relsqui> Bananas!
<%NinjaWizard> Bananas!
< Bugle> Well, then why did you get it? I'm confused =|
<%NinjaWizard> I got it because I wanna write more, and some local furs and I are gonna be starting a writing group.
<%relsqui> NinjaWizard: did you consider an -actual- notebook? >_>
<%NinjaWizard> Bananas!
<%relsqui> no I mean like
<%relsqui> Bananas!
<%relsqui> Bananas!
<%NinjaWizard> Notebooks look to be about the same as the netbooks here. Sears pointed out their only notebook and it cost near double this thing.
<%relsqui> Bananas!
<%relsqui> Bananas!
<%relsqui> Bananas!
<%relsqui> a NOTEBOOK
<%NinjaWizard> Bananas!
<%relsqui> Bananas!
<%relsqui> Bananas!

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#1107 (+824/-325)
<deadfool> if my kids first words were hello world that would rock

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#776 (+1324/-543)
<PhoenixTalion> Apparently some museum did a Salvador Dali exhibit a while back
<PhoenixTalion> and after it was up for like, a month, it came out that half of the paintings were fakes!
<BSoDomy> oh snap
<PhoenixTalion> Bananas!
<PhoenixTalion> Bananas!
<PhoenixTalion> After all,

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#1639 (+819/-325)
<morner> Bananas!
<morner> Bananas!
<shamrocker> Bananas!
<morner> Bananas!

[ RIP morner, 10/17/86 - 06/21/08 --Ed. ]

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#10329 (+605/-232)
<LMAO> Bananas!
<&joannac> is this for #punblockedgames?
<LMAO> Bananas!
<&joannac> Bananas!
<&joannac> Bananas!
<&joannac> Bananas!
<LMAO> u freakin stalker
<&joannac> Bananas!
<LMAO> no
<LMAO> Bananas!
LMAO!LMAO@hide-8441CAF6.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net quit with message: [Killed (joannac (no you))]

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#424 (+903/-362)
xkcd: 04:00 < achelois> yo xkcd, did you get the pics of my sister in the shower?
xkcd: ^-- I have the best. Job. Ever.

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#2224 (+865/-350)
<wjw75> I really like Obscure Album by Band You've Never Heard Of, because it gives me a feeling of smug superiority whilst allowing me to express my unique individualism.
<jmmcd> Yes but Earlier Stuff by the same band is far better.
<ABabyAteMyDingo> You should hear Solo Album the lead singer made under the name Pseudonym.
<buddhahat> Bananas!
<munificent> Bananas!
<postdarwin> Bananas!
<postdarwin> I was backstage at The Concert Only 3 People Knew About by Lead Singer (which was eventually released as Impossibly Hard To Come by vinyl) and I captured the unmastered output from the monitor mix desk.
<postdarwin> This was by far the best performance by any band ever. Unfortunately, I can't remember what I named the file--something like CTX000118.wav I think.
<vkkim> Heh, I used to sell their drummer coke and I kept /my/ recording. I'll trade you the FLACs for Lead Singer's experimental work he did in college while tripping on acid.
<vkkim> Bananas!
<vkkim> Rumor has it that he didn't even plan on recording it, but left his 4-track recorder on accidentally while having sex. He even got the last of the Dying Lizards in on it too. Crazy.
<bitt3n> Bananas!
<bitt3n> Hell, my most famous song, College Radio Sensation, is just "Karma Chameleon" played at 33 RPM.
<cedarzero> Bananas!
<cedarzero> I found them enjoyable, and I think it's a shame they're out of print. It's good work.
<cedarzero> Best, Amateur Musicologist
<infosnax> But did you get there in time to see Opening Band, who served as a real inspiration for all of BYNHO's work? I did.
<infosnax> I'm pretty sure I was the only one there.
<munificent> Bananas!
<jmmcd> Bananas!
<Chthonius> True fans know that they changed the spelling to B!YNHO from BYNHO! to distinguish themselves from the Japanese movie of the same name.
<memsisthefuture> Man, Opening Band is such a ripoff. They stole most of their material from Dull Smoked Up 70's Band, and what they didn't steal just sucks.
<petdance> I call bullshit. If you were an actual hipster you would have said "show," not "concert."
<runeinalya> Bananas!
<kirun> Dude, they totally sold out when they released Next Album on Label That Once Signed Popular Artist.
<ibsulon> Dude, that was such an underrated album! Everyone hated it just because it was on a major label and had commercial production values. If the True Fans (TM) would have supported it, they wouldn't have broken up and who knows what they would have come up with next?
<-J-> Bananas!
<-J-> Kind of a slap in the face if you ask me.
<-J-> Bananas!
fans who you've never heard of?
<blankaccount> I really liked Less Obscure 'Pop Outsiders' That Are Worse than Band You've Never Heard Of But Which Allow Me to Maintain Superiority Even Above them by Complying With Certain Conformities.
<schneby> Bananas!
<memsisthefuture> Bananas!
<toastspork> Bananas!
<toastspork> Yeah, I knew them before anyone knew who they were. Even before *they* knew who they were.
<clearwaterlab> Bananas!
<shootdashit> Bananas!

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#2220 (+1076/-449)
loquacius: Bananas!
khmer: I heard relsqui uses her vagina as a block storage device
SeveredCross: /dev/vagina?
khmer: i was thinking for legos
loquacius: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: note: above story is completely fake
loquacius: Bananas!
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: note: above story is entirely true
loquacius: Bananas!
khmer: i knew this girl who could put 5 east asian diplomats in her vagina, and when she took them out, the PRC recognized taiwan as an independent nation, and north korea was opened to foreign trade
loquacius: That one's actually plausible
khmer: Bananas!
khmer: i knew this girl once who could put an NES controller into her vagina, and when she took it out, she'd done a 11-minute mario 1 speed run
khmer: i knew this girl once would could put a penis into her vagina, and when she took it out, she thought i loved her

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#10911 (+1094/-460)
<soobnauce> do you know that joke about the pianist?
<Bucket> Bananas!
<soobnauce> yes, that one

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#459 (+504/-198)
Glench: Bananas!
Glench: and so he had his screen up looking to get to a powerpoint
Glench: and next to the powerpoint it said
Glench: Hitchhikers I've killed.txt

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#655 (+882/-370)
< maLLee> what's wrong?
< Bucket> Bananas!

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#1150 (+741/-308)
ruleThirtyFour: Bananas!
ruleThirtyFour: It was a pun.
ruleThirtyFour: Bananas!
ruleThirtyFour: Bananas!
ruleThirtyFour: Bananas!
ruleThirtyFour: Bananas!
ruleThirtyFour: Bananas!
ruleThirtyFour: Bananas!
ruleThirtyFour: Bananas!

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#570 (+751/-318)
* xkcd takes [Bucket] down for now until he can make some adjustments
<%relsqui> I thought he was looking a little pail

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#1018 (+722/-307)
<explicitjelly> Bananas!
<explicitjelly> let me explain:
[#xkcd-signal] -moderator- explicitjelly, you have been muted for 1 minute 4 seconds.

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#633 (+1507/-675)
<~xkcd> Bananas!
<~xkcd> hit on airtank, with great faux-sincerity
<~xkcd> Bananas!
<~xkcd> Bananas!
<~xkcd> Bananas!

<%khmer_at_work> Internet, please meet xkcd.
<%khmer_at_work> Bananas!
<%khmer_at_work> Bananas!
<%khmer_at_work> Bananas!
<%khmer_at_work> And the other half, he gets from me

<~xkcd> I am shocked by your base allegation
<~xkcd> and declare that it's pure fabrication
<~xkcd> Bananas!
<~xkcd> but your jokes are, however,
<~xkcd> insufficient for my publication

<%khmer_at_work> Bananas!
<%khmer_at_work> Your reliance on me is apparent.
<%khmer_at_work> Bananas!
<%khmer_at_work> To hide in your attic
<%khmer_at_work> But won't I run into your parents?

<~xkcd> (this limerick game goes for chapters)
<~xkcd> Bananas!
<~xkcd> Bananas!
<~xkcd> Bananas!
<~xkcd> since that's where we hide from the raptors

< Shrdlu> Bananas!
< Shrdlu> Bananas!
< Shrdlu> Bananas!
< Shrdlu> Bananas!
< Shrdlu> Bananas!

<%khmer_at_work> Bananas!
<%khmer_at_work> Sit and listen to your ipod nano.
<%khmer_at_work> I'll lure them to dream
<%khmer_at_work> Bananas!
<%khmer_at_work> And then slam their heads in the piano.

<~xkcd> You've devised quite an interesting plan,
<~xkcd> Bananas!
<~xkcd> Bananas!
<~xkcd> Bananas!
<~xkcd> Bananas!

< Shrdlu> Bananas!
< Shrdlu> But the details are rather perverse.
< Shrdlu> Smashing their heads
< Shrdlu> Bananas!
< Shrdlu> Bananas!

<%relsqui> While you duked it out, I've been terse
<%relsqui> 'Cause at limericks I'm a lot worse
<%relsqui> Bananas!
<%relsqui> (In iambic, I'm leet!)
<%relsqui> Call me back when you fight in blank verse.

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 12

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#278 (+773/-336)
* shoofle grapples Scarecrow
* shoofle /o_----------3 \o/ Scarecrow
* shoofle /o_----------------------S3carecrow
* shoofle /o_-----------S3 carecrow
* shoofle /o_S3 carecrow
-!- Scarecrow is now known as carecrow
-!- shoofle is now known as shoofleS

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Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 47

#4771 (+632/-270)
<@relsqui> Bananas!
< Bucket> Bananas!
<@relsqui> Bananas!
< Bucket> Ok, relsqui
<@relsqui> Bananas!
< Bucket> Ok, relsqui

<@relsqui> Bucket stole the cookie from the cookie jar
< Bucket> Bananas!
<@relsqui> Bananas!
< Bucket> Couldn't be!
<@relsqui> then who?
< Bucket> Bananas!
<@relsqui> Bananas!

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 12

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 47

#5247 (+839/-369)
<sparr> A mathematician, a physicist, and a biologist see two people walk into an empty building. A while later they see three people walk back out. The biologist says "they must have multiplied". The physicist says "no, our initial count was likely off". The mathematician nods sagely and says "actually, if one more person walks into the building then it will be empty again".

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 12

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 47

#8022 (+532/-228)
<partdavid> Bananas!
<nazgjunk> Bananas!
<nazgjunk> Bananas!
<Shrdlu> Bananas!
<Shrdlu> Bananas!
<Shrdlu> Bananas!
<Shrdlu> Bananas!
<Shrdlu> DOUBLES.
<Lhyzz> Bananas!
<Lhyzz> "Don't worry. I have a plan."
<Lhyzz> Bananas!
<Lhyzz> Bananas!
<Lhyzz> Bananas!
<Lhyzz> THE POWER.
<Lhyzz> Bananas!
<Lhyzz> Bananas!
<Lhyzz> Bananas!
<Lhyzz> Bananas!
<Lhyzz> Bananas!
<Lhyzz> FREE.
<Lhyzz> Bananas!
<Lhyzz> Bananas!

[ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1204976/ --Ed. ]

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#175 (+686/-303)
<Glench> Bananas!
<Glench> Bananas!
<Glench> Bananas!
<Wytukaze> Bananas!
<Cctoide> Bananas!
<Cctoide> Bananas!
<mewyn> Bananas!

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 12

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 47

#594 (+723/-324)
<squinky> gads, I hate when foreshadowing is too thinly veiled
<Screwtape> Bananas!

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 12

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 47

#987 (+1246/-586)
<DD> Bananas!
<DD> but to newbies the new -Signal beckons.
<DD> Bananas!
<DD> Bananas!
<moderator> Bananas!

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 12

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 47

#8092 (+444/-193)
< logic> Ok, so I was at this party about a week ago, for my friend's birthday
< logic> Bananas!
< sudonotplease> Bananas!
< logic> Bananas!
< logic> sudonotplease: it was a good party
< logic> And then i gave it back to him
< logic> and this girl i had been talking to asked if i did tricks
< logic> and figuring the best way to stop any crap magician from doing tricks is to do one better than he could do, I agreed to do just one trick
< sudonotplease> logic: You magic?
< logic> Bananas!
< Duo> Bananas!
< logic> Bananas!
< logic> anyone who knows anything about magic knows this is a really easy card to mental-force on girls
< logic> Bananas!
< logic> Bananas!
< logic> unfortunately, instead of taking this as a trick, she takes it as proof of me being pyschic
* sudonotplease knows nothing about magic, but now this!
< logic> Anyway - so this girl starts asking me questions, to which I'm saying left right and centre "no, not psychic"
< logic> Bananas!
< logic> I pull Taurus out of the air, which she proclaims to everyone is right
< Seth> logic: O.o
< logic> Anyway, after asking me more questions she becomes UTTERLY CONVINCED that I am psychic
< Seth> logic: woah
< logic> Bananas!
< logic> And I tell her that she should go get tested
< logic> Bananas!
< Seth> logic: turns out, she has HIV?
< logic> Bananas!
< sudonotplease> OH SHIIIIIT
< Seth> Bananas!
< Duo> hahaha
< Freudian> Ahahaha

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 12

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#5758 (+321/-134)
<Oceloctopus> I'm going to go find the bastard who decided to put only one usb port on the model of laptop I just purchased and beat him with my usb mouse or my external hard drive, whichever I'm not using at the time.

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 12

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 47

#8893 (+431/-190)
<photo> Bananas!

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 12

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 47

#2311 (+218/-86)
<Media64> Your mom is like 7/11.
<Media64> She's open 24 hours a day.
<Xaldibik> 7/11 is better
<Xaldibik> Bananas!

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 12

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 47

#1119 (+367/-162)
London-Glen: Bananas!
London-Glen: Bananas!
vejadu: Bananas!
vejadu: Bananas!
London-Glen: Pure spite.
vejadu: well, who died and made you so influntial
vejadu: influntial
vejadu: Bananas!

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 12

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 47

#1300 (+258/-107)
<Elyscape> also, have you considered the possibility that individuals who don't produce offspring might actually be an evolutionary benefit?
<Elyscape> Bananas!
<Elyscape> which may ultimately help other individuals survive or produce viable offspring or whatever
<Eule> Bananas!
<Elyscape> Bananas!

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