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#4771 (+632/-269)
<@relsqui> Bucket: bucket stole the cookie from the cookie jar is <reply>Who, me\?
< Bucket> Ok, relsqui
<@relsqui> Bucket: yes, you is <reply>Couldn't be!
< Bucket> Ok, relsqui
<@relsqui> Bucket: then who is <reply>$someone stole the cookie from the cookie jar!
< Bucket> Ok, relsqui

<@relsqui> Bucket stole the cookie from the cookie jar
< Bucket> Who, me?
<@relsqui> yes, you
< Bucket> Couldn't be!
<@relsqui> then who?
< Bucket> Bucket stole the cookie from the cookie jar!
<@relsqui> ...