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#10329 (+605/-232)
<LMAO> can i get pleez get unbanned i didnt do anything wrong
<&joannac> is this for #punblockedgames?
<LMAO> yas
<&joannac> if so, it says right at the top "We do not help with channel bans"
<&joannac> and it says right at the top of the punblockedgames page what happens when you are banned
<&joannac> 4 lines down, in white
<LMAO> u freakin stalker
<&joannac> why, because I can read?
<LMAO> no
<LMAO> just go fuckyourself
LMAO!LMAO@hide-8441CAF6.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net quit with message: [Killed (joannac (no you))]