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#2220 (+1077/-449)
loquacius: We were discussing the vagina as storage device!
khmer: I heard relsqui uses her vagina as a block storage device
SeveredCross: /dev/vagina?
khmer: i was thinking for legos
loquacius: Also, stepping on Legos is painful enough, and vaginas are somewhat more sensitive than feet
khmer: i knew this girl once who could put two lego blocks in her vagina and then when she took them out they were joined
khmer: note: above story is completely fake
loquacius: I mistyped that as "stepping on vaginas is painful enough" the first time through
khmer: i knew this girl who could put 15 windows 95 floppy disks and a compaq presario in her vagina, and when she took them out, it was installed and configured
khmer: note: above story is entirely true
loquacius: I knew this girl who could put a Robo Sapiens in her vagina, and when she took it out, it was a real boy
khmer: i knew this girl who could put 5 east asian diplomats in her vagina, and when she took them out, the PRC recognized taiwan as an independent nation, and north korea was opened to foreign trade
loquacius: That one's actually plausible
khmer: hm true
khmer: i knew this girl once who could put an NES controller into her vagina, and when she took it out, she'd done a 11-minute mario 1 speed run
khmer: i knew this girl once would could put a penis into her vagina, and when she took it out, she thought i loved her