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#179 (+1169/-440)
< agilman> Sea cucumbers extract oxygen from water in a pair of 'lungs' or respiratory 'trees' that branch off the cloaca just inside the anus...
< agilman> so that they 'breathe' by drawing water in through the anus and then expelling it
-!- geekable [geekable@hide-9D752E43.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #xkcd
<%relsqui> so does geekable
< geekable> geekable does what?
<%relsqui> oh nothing.
< geekable> geekable doesn't do anal, let me tell you right now
<%relsqui> ... that's ... really surprisingly appropriate to context
< agilman> wow
< agilman> yeah, thats 100% appropriate