Hi! Just so you know, you can click on the $ up there to support XKCDB. (This box will go away after you vote once.)

#281 (+54/-52)
<glench>such is life
<glench>like a series of spoilers
<glench>and then you become the one that spoils everything
<electoralfraud>never a truer word spoken
<glench>how about 'zero'
<electoralfraud> omg, does zero have a true/false value now? or are you just damaging my sanity?
<glench>I'm very disillusuoned and surreal right now
<electoralfraud>tell me where the numbers are first PLEASE!
<electoralfraud>i think if i ask bucket he'll know...
<electoralfraud> bucket, where are the numbers?
<bucket>only the users may know, electoralfraud
<electoralfraud>true true... nobody should enter a factiod for that. its perfect
<electoralfraud>OMG! bucket has gone beyond human sentience!
<glench>finally; I've been waiting for our singularity for so long
<glench> bucket, what is the singularity?
<airtank> HOLY SHIT!
<bucket>I cannot access that data, glench

#9565 (+40/-26)
<jonty-comp> something keeps interfering with our wireless doorbell
<jonty-comp> normally it just goes "ding dong" in a synthesized tone when someone rings the ringer
<jonty-comp> but about once a day since last week sometime it keeps playing twinkle twinkle completely randomly, like it's posessed
<IceKarma> haha
<jonty-comp> it doesn't even make sense since the jingle it plays is selected by a slider on the back
<jonty-comp> and it's set firmly to ding-dong mode
<barometz> is twinkle twinkle even one of the options?
<jonty-comp> I...don't know
* jonty-comp goes to look
<IceKarma> I would hope so ;3
<IceKarma> otherwise that's some pretty specific interference
<astex> anyone ever heard a bopit when the batteries are almost dead?
<MavericGamer> astex: you mean when it sounds possessed?
<astex> MavericGamer: yep
<jonty-comp> it doesn't even HAVE A SLIDER THING OMG
<drlemon> hahaha

#647 (+51/-26)
<xkcd> I just like the idea of doing shots of Jello.
<_LSK_> just [photos of] jello, against a white background?
<xkcd> _LSK_: I actually mean firing it out of a cannon

#7786 (+273/-128)
<numberz> htf do you spell courier?
<snark> like that
<numberz> the country
<Eule> ...
<Eule> Korea?
<numberz> ah thank you

#528 (+59/-55)
*** pentachoron is now known as I.
*** mrmanme is now known as you.
* I happen to think that everybody is an idiot
maLLee: hahhaha
* you would think that, wouldn't you?

#406 (+1993/-430)
< Coldcell_> actually, my neck clicks _really_ badly sometimes, but it doesn't hurt or anything
< Coldcell_> and in martial arts class one day some guy headlocks me
< Coldcell_> and it does this massive POP
< Coldcell_> so I go limp
< deadfool> nice
< Coldcell_> and the guy is almost crying

#2051 (+28/-24)
<@relsqui> <_< rule of thumb: if you have reason to suspect I'm working on it
<@relsqui> and you get a php error
<@relsqui> give it a minute
<@relsqui> *g*

#5458 (+81/-31)
<zigdon> defaults set to 10% and 50%, and added a way to adjust these while they're running.
<Randall> What's 50%?
<creature> 50% is half.
<Randall> :8|
<Randall> That's me peering over my glasses at you.
<Randall> Sternly.

#9754 (+37/-24)
< Slava> if someone is a certain personality types and hates another personality type, it might be because of their types, not because one of them is a bad person
<@Shrdlu> Slava: you mean like how I'm a Pisces and you're an essentialist

#7155 (+73/-35)
<theleica> I'll just start sharpening knives around her
<whiskeyish> theleica: if it comes down to court, bad idea.
<theleica> And start muttering to myself.
<ra> just be careful, she might start sharpening some axes around you...
<theleica> Then I'll just start sharpening guns around her.

#9253 (+22/-23)
< rkm> has anyone used one of those sleep assistant apps on android?
< Jax184> rkm: what do they do?
< rkm> Jax184: as I understand it, you leave your phone on the bed and they use the accelerometer to see how much and when you move during the night
< Jax184> hmm
< rkm> because a lot of people wake up briefly in the night and don't remember it?
< LordOfWhales> rkm, because for most people restlessness is cyclical
< LordOfWhales> rkm, so you say "i want to wake up between 5 and 6" and it can tell when you're closest to awake already
< rkm> I was just wondering a) if these things work and b) which one is best
< rkm> but i figure i'll just download some with good rating and have a test
< rkm> whoah, that was 2 perfectly equal-length lines that both end with est
< LordOfWhales> rkm, that's cool
< Hodapp> uhm, 3 lines, I think
< rkm> ... I did it again.
< rcombs> rkm: yeah, you did
< rkm> that's somewhat unsettling

#10889 (+293/-298)
<XanT> Hmm, trying to think of what I can use my pigscuit barrel for. I dont have enough biscuits to necessitate a barrel, and Im not sure what else to do with it.
<XanT> Maybe sweets, though I tend to eat them very rapidly.
<XanT> The problem is, its entirely opaque. If I could see what was in it itd probably be much more useful.
<XanT> Socks! I could use it for socks. I dont care what socks I grab.
<tbo> XanT: what are you talking about?
<Bucket> salted biscuits, of course

#8261 (+37/-35)
* McAfreak gives bucket morality
* Bucket hands McAfreak a condom in exchange for morality

#588 (+126/-53)
<cctoide> I think I need a search engine for my Firefox tabs.

#10373 (+53/-44)
<alexxerth> I'm taking all online classes this semester, and for some reason they are a lot easier than in person classes
<Lisimba> It's because of the chairs.
<alexxerth> oh
<Lisimba> See, in person classes are invariably on shit chairs in lecture rooms. The cheapest chairs they could get away with.
<Lisimba> You can do online classes wherever you want though, so naturally you'd pick a place where you'd sit comfortably.
<Lisimba> And as you can see in any full body anatomical diagram, the ass is the opposite of the head.
<Lisimba> If the ass is not comfortable, the head can not do proper work.
<Lisimba> They're connected via the spine after all.
<alexxerth> Makes sense to me.
<Lisimba> You only have a limited capacity for dealing with uncomfort and pressure and if the ass takes it all up the head will not get a turn.
<Ferris> and if your head is uncomfortable...

#10074 (+98/-54)
< phyphor> the sooner we can have implanted terminals with data connections the better, so we can do away with that whole "voice" and "accent" thing
< phyphor> sure, we lose the ability to convey sarcasm, but when is /that/ ever useful?
< Coast> phyphor, why would we lose the ability to convey sarcasm
< Coast> have you never seen sarcasm over IRC?
< Coast> cuz I have
<@relsqui> ..........
< Coast> it's a bit tougher, true, but it is still possible

#4939 (+53/-31)
<matt-> xkcdb.com looks even better in elinks.
<matt-> Dammit wrong channel.
<matt-> :/
<matt-> ^This never happened. I order it to be purged from the Internet.

#10699 (+169/-172)
<multiplexd> the next intel cpu vuln is out of the bag now
<pikhq> Is it that certain audio tones anywhere near the CPU will make the CPU boot into LOLNSAHAXXORZ OS?
<multiplexd> pikhq: i think you're breaking embargo by mentioning that specific one; i'm otherwise referring to the lazy FPU context switching side channel
<pikhq> multiplexd: LOL

#10110 (+99/-80)
<@IceKarma> the under the hood part doesn't matter, because the experience should hide it
<@IceKarma> but they're letting implementation details leak out on you because they were lazy
< Snowyowl> right, that's the important bit
< Snowyowl> your app should look impressive and flawless, not shouting "PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE SPAGHETTI CODE BEHIND THE CURTAIN"

#2441 (+98/-67)
<@khmer> i'm for contra dancing
<@khmer> you might say i'm contrapositive
-!- khmer was kicked from #xkcd by Shrdlu [You might call this contrapuntal.

#1325 (+22/-29)

#7362 (+42/-33)
<@fantasyprone> suddenly I wanna bake cookies
<@fantasyprone> oh well I will work on my assignment
<@fantasyprone> then make penises
< Jello_Raptor> fantasyprone: s/cookies/penises/
<@fantasyprone> s/penises/cookies/
<@fantasyprone> what
<@fantasyprone> OH GOD I CAN SEE FOREVER

#8936 (+47/-27)
< AntiLuke> Neil Armstrong died?
< Bucket> "Neil Armstrong Died" would make a good name for a band.
* relsqui facepalms
< Katana> Bucket: TOO SOON

#4202 (+25/-26)
19:16:06 < magcius> Bucket, shut up...
19:16:07 < Bucket> Okee doke, magcius, I'll be back in #xkcd in 60s
19:16:10 < magcius> Bucket, rule 34

#7976 (+74/-30)
* mewyn jams an Adventure cartridge into atari2600a
<atari2600a> the fuck did I just get laid?

#9096 (+44/-25)
<Cheez> Good day
<Bucket> Good day Cheez, I'm tracking you inbound from 347 degrees at 27,000 - turn left to 83 degrees and ascend to 31,000.
<etta> Did bucket just go all ATC on us?
<schwal> Wait, left to 83? That's like a 3/4rs turn.
<etta> Did bucket just go all malicious ATC on us?

#10707 (+231/-183)
* eezo puts non-optional noise in Bucket
* Bucket now contains non-optional noise.
<eezo> disabling any kinds of beeps and whatnot are the first thing i disable on a fresh os install
* nobody beeps
* eezo disables nobody
* nobody sad
<eezo> there are few things that i hate more than various beeps and bleeps and whatnot that computers make
<eezo> ugh
<nobody> do you... have any feelings about the old 56k modem carrier tones?
<eezo> yes. I don't miss them in the slightest.
* nobody gives eezo a 10 hour modem sounds vaporwave mix
* eezo donates nobody a stabbing
<jglauche> nobody deserves a stabbing!

#374 (+69/-60)
<emwork> Bucket learns quickly
<Bucket> emwork: I do not understand

#4290 (+38/-23)
snark: also I will probably not graduate because my professors will be mean. Wait, is there an #xkcd-emo I should be in instead?
IgnisInCaelum: There's #lonely
snark: IgnisInCaelum: there are people in there

#1346 (+44/-31)
<Tiara> scoobysnack
<ScoobyDoo> :D

#9575 (+53/-31)
Ian: like Civ actually
Bucket: "Like Civ Actually" would be a nice name for a band.
Ian: no it wouldn't
Bucket: "No It Wouldn't" would be a good name for a band.

#5919 (+41/-29)
<jessica> getting married is fun. you get to piss off all of your relatives in a single day. it's hard to do that otherwise, short of being arrested at a family reunion for incest.

#10702 (+153/-153)
-- Topic for #xkcd is "What the Xenos!? | The "x" in xkcd stands for Xenos | Don’t be Xenosphobic | Got Xenos? | Got an idea for a topic change? Consider Xenos | Got loss edits? PM Xenos | Got stuff? PM Xenos | Give Xenos love | Give Xenos your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

#7521 (+69/-30)
<Dementex> i had him in a box next to my chair
<Dementex> he just stopped breathing and this really sucks
* IceKarma hugs Dementex tight, trying to not cry.
<Dementex> i cant stop crying man
<IceKarma> but now, men arouse you?
<claime> IceKarma, wtf?
<IceKarma> erm, wrong window >.<
<@postmodern> that's going right to the qdb

#8204 (+31/-23)
<+hexium> are you suggesting there's going to be an xkcd movie, and it's not going to be very good?
<+Palomides> no, but it wouldn't be good if there was one :p
<+goodger> I would think that an #xkcd comic would just be transformers
<+goodger> robots doing inane things for several hours while the humans can't get a word in
<+goodger> an #xkcd-signal comic would be the opening titles, a black screen for 118 minutes and then the credits

#7433 (+44/-38)
<LeEris> I was so happy when I found the hugs programming environment, but really sad when after using it I found it makes me want hugs, not gives me them :<
<LeEris> "Haskell. It makes you want hugs."
<Feriority> "Haskell: You'll need hugs before you're done."
<LeEris> "Haskell. Hugs won't help, but you won't want to do it without."
<JoeBrain> "Haskell: Yet another language you'd feel cool by learning"

#2207 (+29/-20)
< Geekthras> oh hey where is shoofle going to college?
< Geekthras> was it revealed last episode?
< Geekthras> I missed it

#1576 (+38/-25)
< femmebot> awww, relsqui, if i never manage to get married and have kids, i'll code a bot
<@relsqui> you could code the bot first, for practice
<@relsqui> that would really explain zigdon, actually

#10229 (+75/-66)
< Bucket> Sony uses the xkcd method of random number generation.
< sammi> int getRandomNumber() { return 4; } lololol
< djh> chosen by fair dive roll
< djh> dice*
< taixzo> I like "fair dive roll" better
< taixzo> it calls to mind a team of gymnasts hired to produce random numbers from judges' scores

#229 (+363/-173)
-!- HjVmC4216 [olpuolpuol@69BCC726.372C874B.364F283B.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- JwJyD7062 [rrforrforr@5631A219.ABC631F8.364F283B.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- KjBcT2796 [xnfhxnfhxn@8E34D4E2.372C874B.364F283B.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- JqDvN7264 [wrekwrekwr@F475B1D4.3073076F.364F283B.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- QwJoT5562 [orwborwbor@EE8368D7.A671655C.364F283B.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- ImPzN2873 [mfyqmfyqmf@79279D32.561A35AA.3B609046.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- VtQeP731 [trkftrkftr@B5A067C5.A671655C.364F283B.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- EmAgE5356 [jtanjtanjt@97BDC8F1.5CCDF8D3.364F283B.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- YxRwR9811 [pvkgpvkgpv@DF3D2BCC.A671655C.364F283B.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- BgOwO4662 [usziuszius@7824CB1E.A671655C.364F283B.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- BsErR1028 [uecmuecmue@hide-664AE4F4.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #xkcd
-!- XlAkN1168 [shhsshhssh@636321BF.D99CF872.AC9018A2.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- PvRuJ5676 [ijvgijvgij@27FCBEC5.3073076F.364F283B.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- NmDwG492 [boezboezbo@1618ACC5.8164B5E7.364F283B.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- ZfTgA4631 [mxndmxndmx@hide-B34689E4.acessonet.com.br] has joined #xkcd
-!- KbXgJ1572 [lcmllcmllc@BCB4A7.DBBEC0D9.7D33EB64.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- DtOtM3968 [mjgsmjgsmj@33E515DF.3073076F.364F283B.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- KkSrK8131 [jufmjufmju@C3B25C9D.ABC631F8.364F283B.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- TnHyB7428 [yuzcyuzcyu@D5C1F15B.F366D2B2.4E07B88.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- SyKqQ7951 [ndvjndvjnd@C1A018D6.3073076F.364F283B.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- HrWqT1555 [vovhvovhvo@E510614F.611F215E.59C02D26.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- QkNwD6002 [ntxantxant@hide-32DABCA7.customer.tiba.com] has joined #xkcd
-!- XcQsC7130 [sovpsovpso@2449D0B5.6544C268.B5A33AE6.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- EoUbF1501 [xfjuxfjuxf@hide-32DABCA7.customer.tiba.com] has joined #xkcd
-!- XhCuY4022 [rzcdrzcdrz@9E2F82A0.34A117B0.FEC9BF3B.IP] has joined #xkcd
-!- GyGbX1778 [vgdovgdovg@68B8E016.372C874B.364F283B.IP] has joined #xkcd
< Glench> uh oh

#5256 (+58/-32)
< LogicalDash> Johnny: What is the conversion rate between Johnny Cash and American dollars?

#7622 (+79/-27)
<spooky> why do people drink? i don't see the appeal

<spooky> damn it, i feel like i should be more affectionate with my girlfriend
<spooky> like, i want to be
<spooky> but i overthink it
<spooky> ._.
<Velociraptors> That's why people drink

#5172 (+80/-157)
<TheMiNd> Yo dog we heard you like your mom jokes so we put our dick inside your mom....

#7020 (+56/-23)
< Potassium> botsnack
< Bucket> D:
<%billygoat> :D
< flyingferret> :D
< Potassium> :D
< massina> :D
< MorseCodePython> :D
< Nikolai> :D
< antonfire> :D
< hooloo> :-D
< Potassium> :D
< wsa> wheeeeee
< massina> D:
MorseCodePython> D:
< Potassium> D:
<@snark> billygoat: stopword botsnack
<%billygoat> Okay, next person to say 'botsnack' gets kickbanned.
< Potassium> :D
< antonfire> :D
-!- mode/#xkcd [+m] by snark
<@snark> don't do that
-!- mode/#xkcd [-m] by snark
< massina> :/
< Potassium> =[
< antonfire> :(
< MorseCodePython> :(

#1105 (+61/-28)
<troupe176> and typing /quit <username> will place a vote for quitting someone in the channel. After 5 votes they are logged out.
*** troupe176 has been kicked from the channel by zigdon (sometimes they get logged out immediately).

#8849 (+56/-41)
-*- Bucket pokes snark
-*- snark pokes Bucket
-*- Bucket pokes snark
<-* snark has kicked Bucket from #xkcd (snark-ed)
--> Bucket (bucket@carabiner.peeron.com) has joined #xkcd
<mjr> what happen
<Bucket> Someone set up us the Fredd.
-*- puddle pokes snark
-*- snark pokes puddle
-*- puddle pokes snark.
<puddle> ...five times.
<-* snark has kicked puddle from #xkcd (snark-ed)
--> puddle (44345633@hide-B64552F4.mibbit.com) has joined #xkcd
-*- puddle sits back down.

#303 (+212/-96)
* xkcd touches Socket7
< Socket7> thats not my shoulder...
< xkcd> that's not my hand

#5225 (+9/-13)
Antagonist: Hmm... yess... I shall create a warforged artificer
zombine: And I a lich necromancer!
Truth: Now that is a bit sick
Truth: Going to 'upgrade' your party members while they sleep? :P
zombine: lol who wouldn't feel better when they didn't have to eat or sleep, and on top of that had giant adamantine spider legs grafted onto their zombie hips?
zombine: We could even make something else out of the old legs!
Truth: lol

#6619 (+60/-23)
< Spi_Waterwing> You guys know how Shakespeare is like sex, right?
< problem-attic> Spi_Waterwing: shakespeare is better than about a third of the sex I've had
< Spi_Waterwing> problem-attic: hah
< Spi_Waterwing> OK, Shakespeare professor has given this lecture a couple of times
< Spi_Waterwing> Shakespeare is like sex. All of your life, you hear about how great it is...
< Spi_Waterwing> and the first time, it's kind of awkward... you have to keep pausing and looking up words
< Spi_Waterwing> There have been plenty of books written on it
< Spi_Waterwing> but it's much more interesting to do for yourself
< Spi_Waterwing> and even better if you get some friends to join in

#4481 (+26/-50)