
As always, this site is maintained and moderated by relsqui, who can be reached at Hermiene and khmer provided a lot of css help, zigdon bought the domain and maintains the RSS feed, and Randall drew the logo source and inspired the tagline. Diet-Drew and heero reported major bugs; root/cerise hosted the site until its move.


The original #xkcd quote database was created on December 15, 2006 to distribute the bother of keeping a personal quotelist. It used the now-defunct RASH quote management system and was housed on the shell account server until July 2008; at that time, it was rewritten from scratch with a more convenient UI and new spam protection and moved to an account at (who graciously subsidized its bandwidth for some time). In April 2010, it was updated again to track up- and downvotes separately and rank quotes according to a Bayesian average score rather than a simple difference.

In its years collecting the highlights of the channel, XKCDB has seen birth, death, and marriage (yes, all of those are real).


The code XKCDB runs on is not publicly available, and trust me, you don't want it. It was pretty ugly when it was written and has not been maintained or refactored; there is nothing in it worth duplicating or emulating.


Banana Mode premiered for April Fools' Day 2012; the injoke it's based on is explained here. Search works normally in Banana Mode (i.e. it searches the real quote text, not the altered quote text), and it defaults to off except on any first of April, Pacific time. Any votes made while in bananas mode go to this quote, for fairness.