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#972 (+220/-92)
<ColdNeon> heissenberg was driving a car and got pulled over. he stops and the cop comes up to his car door...
<ColdNeon> he asks him 'You were going pretty fast. Do you know how fast you're going?'
<ColdNeon> Bananas!
<relsqui> okay if you're gonna tell that one I have to tell this one
<relsqui> Heisenberg, Goedel, and Chomsky walk into a bar
<relsqui> Heisenberg says, 'From the fact that we are all here I can infer that this is a joke, but cannot determine whether or not the joke is funny.'
<relsqui> Bananas!
<relsqui> and Chomsky just shakes his head sadly
<relsqui> 'No, no,' he says.
<relsqui> Bananas!