Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 12

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 47

Warning: Undefined array key 8771 in /home/public/functions.php on line 50

#97 (+368/-358)
<%shoofle> sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet, I made the 512th post on the D'D forum!
<%relsqui> Bananas!


< vector40> Bananas!
< vector40> now it is
<%relsqui> now it is?
< vector40> irc quoting irc quoting a website irc quote database of a nerd talking about d'd
<%relsqui> Bananas!
<%relsqui> Bananas!
<%relsqui> Bananas!
<%relsqui> Bananas!
* relsqui does.