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#927 (+256/-120)
<etarip> my lit prof used to say bear with me in class a lot.
<etarip> i would doodle him standing next to a bear
<etarip> i think the bear was his homie
<etarip> they would prevent forest fires
<etarip> Sasquatch: only you can prevent forest fires.
<etarip> no one else, only you.
<Sasquatch> etarip: dude, i totally can.
<etarip> so start preventing that shit now.
<Sasquatch> i am!
<Sasquatch> ever since the california fires
<Sasquatch> FEMA hired me to get things done
<Sasquatch> and i have.
<etarip> i'd suggest getting everything that burns out of the forest
<Sasquatch> OR! we can just not have forests.
<Sasquatch> from now on, all forests shall be referred to as groves.
<Sasquatch> problem solved.
<etarip> Sasquatch: GENIUS
<etarip> next onto global warming
<Sasquatch> psh, global warming doesn't exist!
<Sasquatch> it's just God hugging the Earth extraaa tight
<Sasquatch> because he loves what George W. Bush is doing so much!
<Sasquatch> <3<3<3<3<3
<etarip> now fix tsunami's!
<Sasquatch> psh, i can't fix EVERYTHING
<Sasquatch> everyone knows you can't stop tsunamis
<etarip> Sasquatch: yes you can, with indonesia
<Sasquatch> oh man.. that was a bad joke.. that definitely was in the top quartile
<etarip> what its been at least a year