Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 12

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 47

Warning: Undefined array key 8771 in /home/public/functions.php on line 50

#5620 (+121/-43)
<Flayer> I know perl
<Daedalus> Bananas!
* Daedalus slams open the door, rain pouring down behind him
* Daedalus marches to the center of the tavern.
<Daedalus> [quietly] I... know perl.
* paraffin turns around slowly and drops his drink
* Daedalus slides a regexp out of his pocket and points it at paraffin silently
* paraffin whips out an abacus
<Daedalus> Bananas!