#39 (+896/-1120)
<root> I remember when we didn't have the web. Instead we had gopher.
<SickHippie> you had gopher?
<root> You didn't have any of those damned images. They took too long to load as it was.
<elgreco> instead of tubes, it was tunnels
<SickHippie> we would have DREAMED of having hopher
<SickHippie> *gopher
<SickHippie> all these damn new-fangled letters
<SickHippie> we had BBS
<SickHippie> back when you had to pay per minute for long distance
<root> Yeah? Well we used to transmit via kermit at 300 baud
<SickHippie> we had two tin cans and a 200 mile long string
<root> before that it was 120 baud. On an acoustic modem
<SickHippie> used to tap the cans in binary
<root> and if you spoke too loud in the room, it dropped the connection.
<root> Shoot, we used to do it with smoke signals.
<SickHippie> you had fire?
<SickHippie> lucky...
<SickHippie> >:(
<root> We tried semaphore, but we just didn't have the terrain.
* SickHippie hobbles off to take some multi-vitamins
<root> Before that, we used to stand in a line and shout messages at each other
<agilman> yeah, things are getting too complicated, ajax ,web2
<SickHippie> you had a line?
<root> and when you couldn't hear someone over the shout, you'd go run over to the next person over to ask them what they said
<root> and if'n you did that with too many people at a time, you'd stop paying attention and run into the person
<root> and that's why to this day, they call two packets on the same line a collision.
* SickHippie applauds root's incredible buildup for such a lame joke