Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 12

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Warning: Undefined array key 8771 in /home/public/functions.php on line 50

#2256 (+308/-138)
Eaglewolf joined the chat room.
<+Eaglewolf> Hi all
<-moderator> Eaglewolf, you have been muted for 4 seconds.
<+Eaglewolf> ahem... >.>
<-moderator> Bananas!
Eaglewolf is now known as Daenyth.
<+senji> oh sweet, sweet irony
<+Daenyth> Well, already this isn't going very well...
<+Daenyth> but I like it! :D
<-moderator> Bananas!
<+Dark-Fx> What is it that you enjoy?
<+Daenyth> Bananas!
<+Daenyth> Bananas!
<+Daenyth> Bananas!
<-moderator> Bananas!
<+Daenyth> Bananas!
<+tarpman> Bananas!
<+Daenyth> tarpman: thanks
<-moderator> Daenyth, you have been muted for 17 minutes 4 seconds.
<+tarpman> Bananas!
<+socksy> Bananas!
<+helene|Working> Bananas!
<-moderator> Bananas!
<+helene|Working> OK that was more explicitly ironic
socksy is now known as socksy|soworthit.
<+karanlyons> this needs to go up on xkcdb right friggin now.

<+karanlyons> Alright, let me know if I screwed something up: http://dpaste.com/71726/
<+socksy> Bananas!
<+helene|Working> yeah that was the cherry on top
<+karanlyons> Bananas!
<+socksy> Bananas!
<-moderator> Bananas!
<+karanlyons> Bananas!
<+helene|Working> Bananas!
socksy is now known as socksy|no.

moderator sets mode +v socksy
<+helene> congrats socksy. Be a man, go for 2 hours!
<+socksy> Bananas!
<-moderator> socksy, you have been muted for 2 hours 16 minutes 32 seconds.