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XKCDB: The #xkcd Quote Database

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#9809 (+76/-28)
<taixzo> so I was reading this wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_drag
<taixzo> and I encountered this: "For instance, the way to maximize acceleration is to thrust straight downward; however, thrusting downward is clearly not a viable course of action for a rocket intending to reach orbit.[citation needed]"

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#8280 (+629/-435)
<stalagmatite> NoobSauce: lack of coffee makes me angry
<NoobSauce> stalagmatite: that's just the coffee talking

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#9810 (+40/-26)
<yazdmich> rcombs: my main point: flimsy security is better than none
<rcombs> yazdmich: that is highly debatable
<asarkar> I don't think anyone in here is going to agree with that
<rcombs> yazdmich: false sense of security and all
<The0x539> good luck, I'm behind seven proxies
<yazdmich> The0x539: i'll just write a GUI in VB to track your IP
<The0x539> good luck, each of my proxies is behind seven proxies
<yazdmich> The0x539: i have backdoor access to every backbone
<rcombs> yazdmich: what are you, the NSA?
yazdmich -> Not_An_NSA_Agent
<Not_An_NSA_Agent> no

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#5805 (+44/-24)
< evilpatrick> it would be cool to be a coroner and list "space aliens" as COD every now and then to see if people are paying attention

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#6011 (+60/-29)
lingrush: "She's not as big.. but she's got twice the power"
lingrush: "A forceful gun for a forceful captain"
lingrush: Mal gasped as he saw the largest and most powerful looking erection he had ever seen
lingrush: ...
Bucket: [As you stare down the barrel of the gun, you hear velociraptors rustling in the bushes to your left and right.]
RK: apparently Bucket thinks this is firefly/raptor slash

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#7451 (+30/-26)
* mint flips a coin
<flyingferret> mint got: heads
<Bucket> Tails.
<mint> >.<
<kon> ... odd

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#6757 (+57/-33)
<@snark> I don't often drink Dos Equis, but when I do, it's usually beer.

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#5196 (+72/-33)
<Carbon> And I'm only 12, so no one wants me for dating.

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#8367 (+82/-26)
* transkatie reverberates
* Sigma_ uses transkatie's reverberation as a random number generator
<transkatie> 4.
* Sigma_ uses transkatie's reverberation as a DOUBLE random number generator
* Sigma_ stares meaningfully at transkatie
<transkatie> 8.
* Sigma_ glares

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#343 (+77/-47)

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#9012 (+205/-99)
Fusilliban ponders his current sex life.
<Fusilliban> I am sleeping with more engineers than I am liberal arts majors.
peer ponders Fusilliban's current sex life.
<peer> wait... why am i thinking about this.
<Fusilliban> Apparently, my sex life is subject to peer review.

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#10413 (+85/-57)
<alexxerth> "Signed binary numbers and binary codes." sounds....fascinating...
<kazitor> alexxerth: it's when you go to Donald Knuth and ask him to leave his signature on your hard drive
<Xenos> kazitor: Knuth would sit down and whisper sweet nothings at the hard drive and when you went home and plugged it in you'd find the .sig file

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#1384 (+60/-32)
< deadfool> whats the difference between a musician and a extra large pizza
< Elyscape> extra large pizza can feed a family of 4
< Nick> properly cooked, a musician could, too

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#1597 (+29/-18)
* jonty-comp huffs a kitten
< natjo> so what's everybody up to on such a fine tuesday afternoon
< Daedalus> Kitten-huffing

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#8550 (+68/-28)
< Saethan> half of my extended family has been athiest since the day my uncle got kicked out of church for showing up in jeans so I'm used to being around both types
< Saethan> but it basically forms the original basis for his athiesm and his 40 years of voting democrat yet living a very conservative life
< Ahrotahntee> .. can be traced back to a pair of jeans?
< Ahrotahntee> does he still have the jeans?
< Ahrotahntee> fuck man, if I could attribute something that major to an article of clothing, I would never get rid of it ever
< Ahrotahntee> because I'd be having a party, and I'd take people to the framed pair of pants on the wall and say "you see these pants, these are the pants that made me lose my faith in god"

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#4325 (+33/-23)
threadmetal: I do recommend mac to my non-geek friends.
steven: apples suck.
threadmetal: wait, what?
moderator: (notice) threadmetal, you have been muted for 32 seconds.
steven: no, i meant my apple im eating. sorry, until now i didnt even realize the potential for confusion
threadmetal: So... apparently "apples suck" has never been said before
threadmetal: thereby offering strong support for your argument
steven: threadmetal: heh, touché
threadmetal: let us try:
threadmetal: Linux sucks.
moderator: (notice) threadmetal, you have been muted for 2 minutes 8 seconds.
threadmetal is now known as threadmetal|concedes

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#9804 (+44/-26)
<Z3r0> You dont just PXE boot and can copy things
<njsg> You don't just PXE boot into mordor
<njsg> mordor uses token ring
<njsg> you need a special boot image that can provide a ring

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#4932 (+51/-27)
<@relsqui> <@mewyn> DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS
<@mewyn> o.o
<@mewyn> I do not.
< Bucket> yes you do, snowball lover!

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#7846 (+81/-30)
< Dextralus> Bucket, be santa
* Bucket ceases to exist
< Spork> D:
< weblordPepe> :O

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#2074 (+42/-26)
< Sophist> Oral contraceptives cannot undo the damage once the 'potential child' in question is already using IRC.

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#963 (+45/-24)
<Nash> That's like the best reason to be gay. Not having to put up with society's view of sexuality.
<Monarch> best reason to be gay is that... ummm.... you don't have to... open jars?
<Monarch> opening jars is annoying
<Monarch> but i LOVE mayonnaise

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#9873 (+53/-29)
< CO2> a jordanian actor actually died while recording a death scene.
< bhuddah> that's commitment.
< CO2> yup
< CO2> his last words were completely according to the script
< CO2> "bury me with your own hands"
< bhuddah> nevertheless i think he was overacting.
<@Lhyzz> bhuddah++
< Bucket> Bhuddah gained enlightenment!

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#8454 (+43/-31)
<Selig> night #xkcd
<Bucket> Goodnight Selig!
<Selig> thank you Bucket!
<Bucket> Selig: I wasn't talking to you.

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#9659 (+56/-27)
< paratus> anyone here know space engine?
< paratus> i appear to be stuck to a planet
< feriority> paratus: that's gravity - it might feel unusual at first, but you get used to it

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#8437 (+94/-32)
< logic> Apparently someone tried to use Facebook to organise a riot in Plymouth.
< logic> The police RSVP'ed as attending.

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#1266 (+26/-18)
< Lumpy> That's why you can't get caught playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure in public

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#9649 (+26/-25)
< Swordsman> the nice thing about this channel is that there's convo 24/7
< drowsyturtle> the bad thing about this channel is what the conversation is about

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#742 (+51/-45)
< jke> Will someone please check if this work? http://localhost:8000/mpd.ogg

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#923 (+83/-77)
<jercos> ...
<ColdNeon> bucket buttsecks
<Bucket> [Meanwhile, back at the ranch ...]
<Bucket> buttsecks is MARC SAYS THE BEST THING EVAR
<kuraikaze-moss> ...
<Bucket> [khmer silently removes his pants.]

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#8060 (+17/-16)
<christian> hey zing, what kind of music do you listen to?
<Zing> christian: All of it. At the same time.

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#7617 (+54/-25)
* Obsidian slaps DarkLoad
<DarkLoad> what?
<DarkLoad> what did I do?
<Obsidian> DarkLoad: you doomed us all
<Obsidian> way to go genius
<DarkLoad> ...
<Bucket> [The screams of the dying fill the fetid air.]
<DarkLoad> 0.0
<DarkLoad> NO!
<Obsidian> SEE?!
<DarkLoad> this is terrible!

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#6282 (+37/-32)
<Poiesis> at risk of sounding like a hippy: <3 scented candles
<Antipathy> at risk of sounding male, Poiesis has a vagina

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#2053 (+152/-61)
<Glench> I want to be going out with my glirlfriend
<Glench> to play in the snow
<Glench> and she's going to have trouble putting on her mitten
<Glench> and I'm going to help her
<Glench> and also stick my hand in it and say
<Glench> "I think I'm in glove with you"

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#220 (+109/-97)
<Cctoide> New Blender Released
<Cctoide> The question is...
<Cctoide> 'Will It Render?'

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#10001 (+39/-21)
< Caffeine> So. The authorities have spoke.
< Caffeine> I can now drive on my own.
<+arble> nice
<+arble> always wanted to try my hand at golf

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#9690 (+72/-26)
< fantasyprone> there's a sign on a church near me that says "GOOGLE DOESN'T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS"
< fantasyprone> and each time I see it I think, of course not, that's what Wolfram Alpha's for

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#66 (+492/-412)
<%relsqui> that ended well.
-!- khmer [khmer@hide-8E0481AE.sea2.cablespeed.com] has joined #xkcd
< ther3> endings are good
< khmer> who wants to give me a neck massage
< ther3> happy ending?

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#8420 (+54/-24)
<stalagmatite> also what is canterbury tales
<@snark> stalagmatite: before your time

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#2047 (+66/-26)
-!- Shrdlu [~reuven@hide-A8E0B8AE.mclnva23.dynamic.covad.net]
has joined #xkcd
<rpm> spenguin: no, and it's just a myth that kittens in the gas tank will
caramelize and ruin your engine
<spenguin> rpm: But all that happened when I turned on the car was a short
meowing noise and then nothing else
<Shrdlu> I don't know what I walked into but it can't possibly suck.

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#54 (+572/-527)
< khmer> i'm a horrible man
< khmer> with bad taste and worse habits
< khmer> and you can't get enough of me
< khmer> all of you
< text_file> I thought so, but I'm starting to break out with a rash
< text_file> and my stool has become gradually more orange and watery
< text_file> I think I've had enough.

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#5435 (+64/-37)
<@snark> a lot of people are angry about the internet
<Potassium> GRRRRR
<@snark> it is usually unreasonable, but a common phenomenon
<Potassium> very common!
<@snark> being unreasonable is also a common phenomenon, so no surprises there
<Potassium> not a surprise to be seen!
<@snark> I'm not really going anywhere with this.
<Potassium> nowhere!
<@snark> But I'd like to thank my trusty mascot Potassium.
<Potassium> The metal man!
* @snark bows and exits
* Potassium spontaneously combusts

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#992 (+93/-42)
<FunkyTuba> I'm guessing joan of arc never said 'Let them eat Pizza'
<mandrill> it wasn't Joan of Arc, it was Marie Antionette.
<Illarane|Laptop> And she didn't say cake. The line was 'Then give them brioche', which, at the time, was basically bread with a few extras.
<Squiddhartha> in short, the 'let them eat cake' is a lie

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#1234 (+41/-31)
<+Catdrake> done and done.
-moderator:#xkcd-signal- Catdrake, you have been muted for 4 minutes 16 seconds.
<+explicitjelly> Catdrake, don't worry. people will remember your last words.
<+mavhc> ah, Catdrake, a good man. In his last days we joked and laughed
<+mavhc> until that fateful moment
<+mavhc> alas, the world has lost a hero
<+mavhc> and now, as we commit his diff to the cvs
<+mavhc> we beg unto you, root user, bring him peace

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#8772 (+54/-27)
<Boom_Farmer> Brain fart: what's another name for a carrier, a company that flies people to places on airplanes? A company like Aer Lingus, JAL, United, Continental, American Airlines?
<stiglet> An...airline?
<Boom_Farmer> Airlines!
<stiglet> ...did "American Airlines" not tip you off?
<Boom_Farmer> ...<facepalm>

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#7980 (+110/-41)
<ecthros> dear jesus, i could really use a hand this time
<Jesus> Lucky for you, an orphan boy in Indonesia just lost a hand in an industrial accident! Turns out Nike aren't too great on safety regulations, huh?
* Jesus gives ecthros the hand
<ecthros> :(
<ecthros> dear jesus, i think that orphan boy could really use his hand
<Jesus> Not really
<Jesus> the arm was crushed

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#7930 (+47/-19)
<anaximander> standard rule of computing: if you don't know what it does, leave it on default
<anaximander> cos you don't know what you'll break by changing it
<stump> I thought it was, "if you don't know what it does, play with it until you figure it out"
<anaximander> stump: not when it's not your network
<stump> That's how I learned sex, at least.
<SirEel> playing with only your own network is for wankers :P

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#10482 (+110/-103)
<hppavilion1> Let's imagine a programming language with TIME TRAVEL
<hppavilion1> Specifically, let's say that you can use a function time.sleep(n)
<hppavilion1> Where n is a time to delay before continuing execution (in seconds)
<alexxerth> 2017 goto 1938
<hppavilion1> Which seems pretty standard and non-scifi, except that n can be negative.
<Tattoo> no need to imagine. all programming languages have time travel. only to one direction, though
<hppavilion1> Tattoo: Except Haskell.
<Tattoo> hppavilion1: what?
<hppavilion1> Tattoo: Haskell doesn't have time travel in either direction, ideally.

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#7842 (+152/-59)
<kaolbrec> Let the insults become more and more crass!
<kaolbrec> you.. you PARAGON OF SOCIETY

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#2436 (+51/-50)
-Global- Epic split is epic.

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#7432 (+33/-25)
<dinosplosion> modular is good because it makes things more comprehensible in small pieces
<Feriority> or going back to SteamPoweredCat, I can connect lots of SteamPoweredCats to my steam engine because of modularity, AND I can switch a SteamPoweredCat to a SteamPoweredSpaceship engine if it needs the power without redesigning my SteamPoweredCat
<Feriority> SteamPoweredCat, you are officially my go-to example for modularity
<SteamPoweredCat> but i'm a unique non-mass produced model!
<LeEris> SteamPoweredCat: that's fine, but your API is standard
<Feriority> if you're unique, your API *must* be standardized because every instance of you uses it!
<dinosplosion> eg. a SteamPoweredCat is more comprehensible than a network of interconnected pipes, steam, power, and fleshy feline material
<LeEris> hey! SteamPoweredCat is not a series of tubes!