Warning: Undefined array key 602 in /home/public/admin.php on line 41
XKCDB: The #xkcd Quote Database

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 12

Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 47

Warning: Undefined array key 8771 in /home/public/functions.php on line 50

#602 (+1095/-410)
<xkcd> Bucket: nslookup xkcd.com
<xkcd> Bananas!
<Bucket> Bananas!
<Ephphatha> Bananas!
<nobody> Bananas!
<xkcd> Bananas!
<Ephphatha> Bananas!

< Phlip> I like how most people recognise that it's always the same numbers before they realise there's a '276' in there...