Warning: Undefined array key "admin" in /home/public/functions.php on line 12

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Warning: Undefined array key 8771 in /home/public/functions.php on line 50

#5088 (+1532/-561)
< Jax184> I finally got the windows embedded platform builder installed
< Jax184> Bananas!
< moshez> jax184: my condolences
< moshez> Bananas!
< moshez> that sounds unfun
<@khmer> Bananas!
< moshez> khmer: it's worked for me so far...
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> here's my impression of you
<@khmer> SCENE: Mission Control. Apollo 13 is spinning out of control.
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> <Mission Commander> All right, Captain, we'll put together a team.
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> <Mission Commander> All right, anyone else? We have to make sure it doesn't take sharp movements, because a good kick could tear right through the aluminum wall.
<@khmer> <moshez> Well, you shouldn't have used aluminum.
<@khmer> <Mission Commander> All right, you know what, dickhole? That's not problem solving. They're in the LEM, the walls are aluminum, and they're in fucking space, so we need to solve this problem!
<@khmer> <moshez> Well, they shouldn't have gone into space. I never need to.
<@khmer> <Mission Commander> What? This isn't about you. This is their situation and their problem and we need to build this air filter!
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> Bananas!
<@khmer> Bananas!
< moshez> khmer: ok
< moshez> Bananas!
< moshez> Bananas!
< Beelzebub> moshez: you should.