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#2224 (+868/-354)
<wjw75> I really like Obscure Album by Band You've Never Heard Of, because it gives me a feeling of smug superiority whilst allowing me to express my unique individualism.
<jmmcd> Yes but Earlier Stuff by the same band is far better.
<ABabyAteMyDingo> You should hear Solo Album the lead singer made under the name Pseudonym.
<buddhahat> Bananas!
<munificent> Bananas!
<postdarwin> Bananas!
<postdarwin> I was backstage at The Concert Only 3 People Knew About by Lead Singer (which was eventually released as Impossibly Hard To Come by vinyl) and I captured the unmastered output from the monitor mix desk.
<postdarwin> This was by far the best performance by any band ever. Unfortunately, I can't remember what I named the file--something like CTX000118.wav I think.
<vkkim> Heh, I used to sell their drummer coke and I kept /my/ recording. I'll trade you the FLACs for Lead Singer's experimental work he did in college while tripping on acid.
<vkkim> Bananas!
<vkkim> Rumor has it that he didn't even plan on recording it, but left his 4-track recorder on accidentally while having sex. He even got the last of the Dying Lizards in on it too. Crazy.
<bitt3n> Bananas!
<bitt3n> Hell, my most famous song, College Radio Sensation, is just "Karma Chameleon" played at 33 RPM.
<cedarzero> Bananas!
<cedarzero> I found them enjoyable, and I think it's a shame they're out of print. It's good work.
<cedarzero> Best, Amateur Musicologist
<infosnax> But did you get there in time to see Opening Band, who served as a real inspiration for all of BYNHO's work? I did.
<infosnax> I'm pretty sure I was the only one there.
<munificent> Bananas!
<jmmcd> Bananas!
<Chthonius> True fans know that they changed the spelling to B!YNHO from BYNHO! to distinguish themselves from the Japanese movie of the same name.
<memsisthefuture> Man, Opening Band is such a ripoff. They stole most of their material from Dull Smoked Up 70's Band, and what they didn't steal just sucks.
<petdance> I call bullshit. If you were an actual hipster you would have said "show," not "concert."
<runeinalya> Bananas!
<kirun> Dude, they totally sold out when they released Next Album on Label That Once Signed Popular Artist.
<ibsulon> Dude, that was such an underrated album! Everyone hated it just because it was on a major label and had commercial production values. If the True Fans (TM) would have supported it, they wouldn't have broken up and who knows what they would have come up with next?
<-J-> Bananas!
<-J-> Kind of a slap in the face if you ask me.
<-J-> Bananas!
fans who you've never heard of?
<blankaccount> I really liked Less Obscure 'Pop Outsiders' That Are Worse than Band You've Never Heard Of But Which Allow Me to Maintain Superiority Even Above them by Complying With Certain Conformities.
<schneby> Bananas!
<memsisthefuture> Bananas!
<toastspork> Bananas!
<toastspork> Yeah, I knew them before anyone knew who they were. Even before *they* knew who they were.
<clearwaterlab> Bananas!
<shootdashit> Bananas!