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XKCDB: The #xkcd Quote Database

#111 (+748/-400)
<~xkcd> root: But I already have the brainware for solving a rubik's cube without thinking much, it's just shoe-tying
<~xkcd> in fact, I have conducted experiments wherein --
* xkcd covers shoofles ears
<~xkcd> -- I tried solving a rubik's cube while getting progressively more drunk
<%relsqui> :D did you take notes like 'two shots ... 5:25'02'
<~xkcd> yeah, I have a video :)
<~xkcd> and I found that even up to the point of near-passing-out, the drunkest I've ever been/ever plan to be, I could still solve it
<~xkcd> although I had a problem actually finding and picking it up