Summary XKCD Strip Lookup

flyingferret can search the archive of currently transcribed xkcd strips for a given string. To search for a text string, address flyingferret and tell him the string to search for. (flyingferret will only assume a string is a transcript search if it is not a question or a choice; see below.) flyingferret will provide context so you can pick the right strip from multiple matches. When there are more than five string matches but fewer than five perfect word matches, flyingferret will return the latter; if there are more than five string matches but either zero or more than five perfect matches, flyingferret will only give the number of matches.

	< relsqui> flyingferret: dinosaur
	< flyingferret> Just Alerting You: ("...the back of a green 
			      dinosaur, holding its reins...")

	< relsqui> flyingferret: e
	< flyingferret> e to the pi times i: ("...e to the pi times i: [[Teacher is
			      ...") - e to the pi Minus pi: ("...e to the pi Minus pi:
			      Person ...")

	< relsqui> flyingferret: sh
	< flyingferret> Found 0 perfect matches, 132 total. Be more specific.

You can use flyingferret to get the URL and title of a specific xkcd strip with the syntax xkcd://something. If something is entirely numeric and the number of an existing xkcd strip, flyingferret will respond with the title and URL of that strip.

If something is not completely numeric, flyingferret will look for it in all strip titles. If it finds any but less than five whole word matches, it will respond with the complete titles and links to the matching strips. In all other cases it behaves as above with regard to number of results displayed.

Finally, if something is the word "current," flyingferret will give the title and URL of the most recent xkcd strip. Its list of strips updates approximately one minute after a new comic posts.

	< relsqui> xkcd://20
	< flyingferret> Ferret (

	< relsqui> I can refer to xkcd://pi in a sentence.
	< flyingferret> Pi Equals ( - e to the pi times i ( -
			e to the pi Minus pi (

	< relsqui> xkcd://the
	< flyingferret> Found 16 perfect matches and 4 imperfect. Be more specific.
Wikipedia Lookup

Much like the above, you can use wiki://something to get a complete link to a Wikipedia page. flyingferret does not search all of Wikipedia for any page title matching something; if there is no article with that exact title, it will not respond. (As in a normal Wikipedia URL but unlike the above, you can use underscores for spaces.)

	<@relsqui> I can refer to wiki://flying_squirrel in a sentence.
	< flyingferret>
Wolfram Alpha Lookup

This is almost exactly the same as Wikipedia lookup, with one exception: when the query appears in the middle of a line, flyingferret will assume the query is a single word. (If it's not, you can use plus signs for spaces.) If the alpha query is at the beginning of the line, flyingferret will assume that the query is the rest of the line.

	<@relsqui> so you can use alpha://single word queries in the middle of a line, or do this:
	< flyingferret>
	<@relsqui> alpha://apples vs. oranges
	< flyingferret>
TV Tropes Lookup

Like the above. The name of the trope is case sensitive because TV Tropes's URLs are (it's not fixable on the ferret's end) and is assumed to end at a space.

	<@relsqui> trope://americanaccent
	<@relsqui> trope://AmericanAccent
	< flyingferret>
XKCDB Lookup

Last and really least of the lookups, flyingferret can expand xkcdb://5 or qdb://5 into a full link to the #xkcd quote database. The same syntax with a word instead of a number will return a link to the search page for that query.

	< relsqui> qdb://5
	< flyingferret>
	< Selig> xkcdb://Bucket
	< flyingferret>
Random Number Generation

You can roll dice in channel with /me rolls XdY, where X and Y are decimal integers, and flyingferret will give the individual and total results. The dice quantity is limited at ten to avoid spam. Only natural numbers and sizes of dice and integer modifiers are supported.

	 * relsqui rolls 8d5+3
	< flyingferret> relsqui got: 5, 1, 5, 3, 5, 4, 1, 3, for a total of 27+3=30.
Making Choices

If you can't be bothered to assign numbers to two choices and roll dice, you can tell flyingferret to choose between two options. You may optionally include the keyword choose, a question mark, or both.

	<@relsqui> flyingferret: apples or oranges?
	< flyingferret> oranges

	<@relsqui> flyingferret: choose apples or oranges
	< flyingferret> apples
Yes or No Questions

flyingferret will answer yes or no questions, albeit not always conclusively. It's easy to accidentally invoke its decision-making mode; avoid this by not using the word "or" in your question.

	<@relsqui> ferret, can ferrets fly?
	< flyingferret> Yes, absolutely.